Credit Workplace: Asset-based lending

The next generation end-to-end solution for real estate lending

In today’s economic landscape, commercial lenders face significant challenges. With less attractive new deals and at the same time high pressures on margins and increasing risk of non-performing loans (NPL), lenders need to focus their resources on the desired, profitable deals and watch out for early warning indicators.

Keeping day-to-day operations efficient and scalable and the ability to react quickly to market changes are essential prerequisites for this. But lenders are often faced by structural hurdles: fragmented and poorly integrated IT landscapes, paper-based processes and redundant data inputs.

Introducing the Credit Workplace – the next generation end-to-end solution for commercial real estate lending that helps to reduce NPL risk, achieve higher win-rates and focus existing resources efficiently. Our integrated platform ensures a single source of truth for your data, standardizes processes, and offers a holistic view on your deals, assets, and business partners. With seamless integration into the backend systems, the Credit Workplace enables the automation of numerous tasks throughout the entire credit process. This results in higher transparency, lower exposure to risks – and last but not least – lower operating costs

Key results

> 20%

efficiency gain


source of truth for all data


reduction of manual data handling

Key benefits

Reduce your NPL risk

One major advantage of the Credit Workplace is that it leads to quicker assessment of various business transactions. It relieves the credit expert of administrative and repetitive tasks so that they can focus on the evaluation: understand deals in depth and make a risk-based selection. Profitable deals can therefore be spotted earlier in the process. For existing deals, credit experts are supported by automated monitoring processes and triggers and can recognize changes in the risk position at an early stage. Overall, the Credit Workplace can help to reduce the NPL risk.

Achieve higher win rates

With our lending platform you can rely on more efficient processes and therefore make faster and more structured decisions. As a result, less time is allocated to non-profitable transactions, and you can decide on profitable transactions faster. This increased transparency of all deal components allows for appropriate pricing and can lead to higher win rates.

End-to-end coverage

The Credit Workplace acts as the central hub for the entire commercial real estate credit process: from origination via credit operations and risk management to the final repayment. Workflows are seamlessly integrated and the time-consuming manual transfer of data from one application to another is a thing of the past.

Benefit from front-to-back integration

Our solution perfectly complements the existing lending stack and integrates seamlessly with other lending applications. As a result, users benefit from a high level of data consistency and won’t require complex integration mechanisms. The open architecture principle (RESTful APIs) allows third-party solutions and external market data can be easily integrated.

Increase operational efficiencies

With the Credit Workplace, tasks such as repetitive copying and redundant manual re-entries of data are eliminated. Internal documents are fully replaced by smart and interactive views on data. This leads to significant improvements in data quality and frees up time for you to focus on the professional assessment. It also builds a solid foundation for further process optimization and extensions such as AI.

The Credit Workplace has truly met our expectations. The result of the co-innovation has significantly improved our entire credit processes. I can already see the efficiency gains for the bank.

Michael Spiegel, Managing Director Digitalization and Operations

Highlighted features

Smart and interactive decision process

Intelligent, guided decision process that collates all documents and data in a single interactive paper. This provides an audit-proof, transparent and efficient foundation for decision making, with the possibility of integrating further AI-elements.

Workflow and task automation

Credit Workplace provides highly automated workflows and task management, built on industry best practices. Repetitive tasks, such as routine checks, reports and manual data uploads are replaced with smart processes and centralized, consistent data.

Property tracking and monitoring

Granular property data is collated and appropriately structured in one place, including insurance, tenancy and valuation appraisals. Data can be compared to market performance and managed flexibly in sub-portfolios. Standard and custom KPIs and property values are automatically monitored.

Risk and
regulatory processes

Pre-configured capabilities available for standard regulatory, risk and credit processes and KPI monitoring – allowing the team to complete these requirements in a few hours using high-quality reliable data.

Third-party integrations

Open system architecture and RESTful APIs allow easy integration with 3rd party applications & external data providers. Pre-configured connectors available to all SAP and SAP Fioneer products.

Efficient handling

Efficient handling of tenancy data using intelligent automation, including all tenant and contract information with automated tracking of key tenancy events. Integration with external data allows for monitoring of market dynamics and performance tracking.

Built-in compliance

Credit Workplace has built-in compliance capabilities, such as need-to-know principles, data protection standards and easy user management. Rights and roles can be easily managed and automatically adapt in case of changes.

KPI management

Standard and custom KPIs can be defined and monitored on multiple levels. This guarantees maximized transparency on portfolio performance and risks associated with any risk-bearing components: customers, tenants, properties, and markets.

The Credit Workplace supports faster reaction times in the origination process – and time often matters to win.

Alexander Wehrmann, Managing Director – Lending, SAP Fioneer

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Step into a new era of commercial lending

Find out more about the Credit Workplace today.

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